Austin Clarke is a Poliquin Certified Personal Trainer. He has 5+ years of experience as a personal trainer/coach and class instructor. As a trainer...
Carter Currie, a Poliquin Certified Personal Trainer, is passionate about weight training and nutrition, recognizing the powerful connection between...
Mackenzie Craig is a Poliquin Certified Personal Trainer. She graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Master of Human Kinetics, concentration...
River Pathak is a certified personal trainer. For almost a decade, he’s been diving deep into the world of weights, shaping his approach to be all a...
Stephanie Sneyd is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. I have my certification in strength, conditioning and nutrition. As a student pursuing her st...
Sarah Michelle MacNab is a GlassBox Certified Personal Trainer. She has 2 years of experience as a personal trainer/ coach and class instructor. As ...
Julien Bonneau is a certified personal trainer and is passionate about weight training, weight loss, and helping people along their physical fitness...